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These discussion questions are designed to stimulate classroom conversations about how students can make the world a better place. Below are general questions and chapter-by-chapter questions.


General Questions

What story did you like best? Why?

Which Generation Fixer did you identify with most? Why?

Do these kids seem like kids you know? Do you think the kids in this book represent your generation? Why or why not?

Can your generation really make the world better? What is special about young people?

What qualities do these kids have in common?

What obstacles did they face? What did they do? What else could they have tried?

What role did friendship play?

What would you like to fix in your community?

What are some possible solutions?

What steps would you have to take?

Who could you get to help you? What kind of help would you like to get from other kids? From your parents? From your teachers?


Chapter One

Sack It to You!

Do you think it's fair that some kids can't afford basic school supplies? If public education is supposed to be free, what exactly should be free and what should people have to pay for?

What obstacles did Josh face? How did he overcome them? What else could he have tried?

Why was Josh able to raise a quarter million dollars?

Think about Josh's starfish story. Can one person make a difference? Is that enough?


Put Your Pencils Down

Should students have to pass a standardized test to graduate from high school? Why or why not?

What are tests like in your school? Are they fair? Do they test important knowledge or skills? What should tests be like?


Chapter Two

Peace Across the Street

Have you ever felt strongly enough about something to march to get your voice heard?

In Club BADDD, Gabriella says that troublemakers can become leaders. What conditions encourage troublemaking? What conditions encourage leadership and peacemaking?


Strong Stuff

Kirsten says she is normally the kind of kid to sit back and do what she's told. What made her willing to stick her neck out and plan a self-defense seminar?

What would you stick your neck out about?


Chapter Three

Breakfast Bonanza

What role did friends and family play in Zach's efforts to get breakfast cereal to needy kids? What are the pros and cons of depending on other people to fix something in your community?
Breakfast Bonanza really took off. Why?


Eat Your Vegetables

Dusty and his friends didn't know much about gardening. How did they learn what they needed? If you wanted to do something but you didn't know enough, how could you learn what you need to know?

Why did the author tell us about Dusty's cancer?


Chapter Four

Don't Be Crude

Kate and her friends made the ground water problem worse at first. How common do you think that is?

What environmental problems do families or businesses in your community cause?

In your home, school or community, what could be recycled that is not already?


A Breath of Fresh Air

What inventions would make the world a better place?

Do you know what's in your air? How can you find out?


Chapter Five

Stand By Me

Imagine what it would be like to homeless. What would you miss most about your home life?

Why do homeless kids need support from other kids?


Mending Lives

Shifra say that when you volunteer your time and talents, you get double back. What do you get back?

What skills or hobbies do you have that could be used to help others?


Chapter Six

The Long Journey

If you were trying to break a world record, what record would you tackle? Why? What cause would you want to contribute to?

If Ryan hadn't raised money through his trip, Whitnie Pender might never have received an organ transplant. Do you think someone should be denied medical treatment because of an inability to pay for it?


Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Why is hair so important to people's identity?

What did Kristel do when she faced resistance from other students? What else could she have tried?

Were Kristel's hair drives a success or a failure?

Chapter Seven

Biking While Black

Is it fair to stop all black kids riding their bikes if one black kid got caught stealing a bike?

If someone reported that a kid with blue eyes stole a bike, would it be fair for police to stop all kids with blue eyes?

How is stopping black kids on bikes the same or different from stopping people of Arab descent in airports?

Were the Kings' lawsuits a success or a failure?


Speak Out

What forms of harassment do you see in your school? What could you do about it?

What are the connections between Sol's work and historical and current efforts to fight discrimination?


Side By Side

Jason hopes that a piece of art will promote respect for diversity and peace. Do you think it will work?

What stereotypes do you harbor? How can you overcome them?


​Did these questions spur good discussions? Please e-mail Elizabeth Rusch at with additional questions, suggestions or comments.


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