Elizabeth Rusch loves teaching, inspiring and mentoring writers. Her lively, interactive presentations always offer inspiration, exercises, practical advice, and often hand-outs

Most Popular Workshops
Inquire at author@elizabethrusch.com for more options

Come with an idea. Leave with a draft.

How to write non-fiction that reads like fiction

The art and science of finding and interviewing experts

Tips from a former magazine editor

Market your book through magazine articles

So much more than word length

Explore writing for sequential art in comics, graphic novels, and nonfiction.

Break in and sell your work
Rave Reviews for Liz's Workshops
"Elizabeth provided a wealth of helpful and interesting information in a very organized presentation. If you ever get a chance to attend one of her talks, you should jump at it.”
— Laura K. Deal
“Elizabeth is able to articulate her process and shares her fumbles gracefully to
teach others how to write and illustrate for children better. She is considerate of her
audience and addressed their needs.”
— Jennifer Blair-Cockrum
“Elizabeth is personable and relevant to writers at many stages in their craft.
She also is very enthusiastic—you can tell she really has a passion for writing.”
— Melissa Craighead
“Elizabeth is always clear, fun, and organized. I can always walk into her
presentations with very high expectations.”
— Nadja Pisula-Litoff
“Don’t miss this one! The most important session when editing!”
— Carrie Seidel
“Liz was exceptionally organized and prepared and offered practical and
useful advice. Thank you, worth the price of admission.”
— Diana Brittain Thompson
“Liz’s presentation really gets you in touch with how kids think and express themselves
at different ages… That Liz moved into this genre from an entirely different background made me realize that there could be a YA writer hiding inside anybody.”
— CJ McVein
“You could spend two days in a boring class and not learn enough about breaking into magazine writing OR spend 50 minutes with Liz and suddenly have inside information
on the magazine market and how to successfully break in.”
— Jennifer McKee
“In several years of attending SCBWI conferences, this was the most helpful workshop.”
— Susan Wroble
“This will tell you step-by- step how to get started.”
— Karen Billings
“This workshop was chock-full of practical ideas for taking my book to the magazine market.”
— Cheryl Reilsnyder
“This workshop made me realize how magazine writing can be a great addition to the novelists’ arsenal for promoting and expanding the reach of their books.”
— Debbie Olson
“A valuable opportunity to learn how to strategize your own marketing plan, Elizabeth Rusch
is genuinely generous in sharing her experiences so that you can move your writing forward.”
— Linda McHenry
“The exercises were excellent—I came up with ideas that I didn’t realize I had.”
— Cheryl Carpinello
“I loved the way Liz solicited our research questions at the beginning of the presentation
then used OUR research questions as examples. What a great teaching tool! I learned
at least five different things I’d like to get started on…”
— Kathleen Paulsen
“Elizabeth Rusch’s presentations are worth getting up at 5:30 a.m. on a Saturday to see!”
— Ann Lackey
“Liz offers clear organization, very interesting specific examples, and great resources.”
— Scholle McFarland
“Liz is an excellent presenter, well-organized and knowledgeable.”
— Barbara Herkert
“Liz challenged me to think about how research can make my middle grade
novels more substantive and interesting.”
— Amy Brewer
“I left with strategies to use immediately! Listening to Liz, I came up with
new topics I’d like to research and write about.”
— Jennifer Axman
“Liz’s workshop offered the best and most current information about researching presented
by a current, relevant, curious, productive author. This was my first session of the conference. Even if I only attended this one, it would be worth it!”
— Sue Miller
“Liz's workshop was full of practical tips…I attended Liz's workshop over two years ago
and I still refer to her handouts as I work on my own projects.”
— Dawn Prochovnic
“If you want “how to” help on research, this is the workshop for you! I have been
researching a manuscript for 3 years and will still be able to apply her suggestions.”
— Erin Gray
“Excellent real world examples.”
— Mike Hassel
“Liz’s knowledge shines! She augmented her information with personal anecdotes
that helped me to really understand how to break in."
— Tia Hatch