Editing, Critiquing, Consulting


Liz enjoys mentoring writers, and bringing out the best in a piece of writing, whether its a book manuscript, magazine article, proposal, or query.
She charges $75/hour for critiquing, editing and consulting with individual writers, with a $150 minimum per piece.
How does this work? You mail a manuscript with a $150 deposit.
She estimates how long she thinks it might take. The deposit covers most picture books and articles; longer pieces really vary. She can provide written and verbal critiques (over the phone or in person) depending on your needs. Note that sometimes she prefers to talk with writers about their work because she has questions for the writer that can help inform her suggestions.
For more information and to check on availability, please email: author@elizabethrusch.com.

One of Liz’s great loves is editing, in all senses of the word. She enjoys brainstorming and developing concepts for books, book series, anthologies, magazines, websites, specialty publications, even film and TV shows; hiring and managing editors, writers and artists; acquiring and editing manuscripts and scripts; and collaborating with art directors and designers on innovative and compelling layouts.
Projects include: Story editor, Broken, the film; creative consultant Oregon Reads Aloud anthology; "Quality Counts report" consultant, Teacher magazine; Editor-in-Chief, PointsBeyond.com; creative consultant SMART; project writer and manager, The Commission on Children and Families; creative consultant Active Arts; creative consultant, The Children’s Book Bank.

Why wait for me to edit or critique your work? You can start developing your writing right now using these resources:
On Writing Well
by William K. Zinsser
If you read Zinsser’s book and do the exercises he suggests, your writing will become stronger, leaner, and clearer. If you edit and revise using his approach regularly, you will become a better writer.
The Fire in Fiction
by Donald Maass
My new favorite writing craft book. Read and do all the exercises and your writing will be oh so much more compelling.
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
by Renni Browne and Dave King
Scene & Structure
by Jack M. Bickham
These two books give great ideas and exercises that can help you learn the basics of fiction writing – and bring your fiction to the next level.
The Writer’s Market and Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market
published by Writer’s Digest Books.
This is 20 bucks well spent. The Writer’s Market comes out every year, and it’s worth getting the most recent copy. Novice writers should read all the articles about writing and selling writing in the front of the book. Experienced writers can cozy up with a list of ideas for articles and books and page through the listings of magazine and book publishers to find someone who wants to buy what you want to write.
The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrator (SCBWI)
If you are serious about writing and publishing children’s books join SCBWI – the national chapter and your local chapter. SCBWI provides newsletters with incredible information about the craft and business of children’s book publishing. And their national and regional conference are an amazing way to learn more about writing for children, meet other children’s book authors and illustrators, and hear from and meet editors and agents. I would not be where I am without the help of SCBWI.
The Authors Guild
The Authors Guild doesn’t really help me write, but they have helped me negotiate contracts and get paid what I’m due. The free contract advice alone makes the dues worthwhile.